Two concepts that go together in the object oriented approach are Encapsulation & Abstraction. Abstraction is the representation of only the essential features of an object, while Encapsulation is the hiding of the non-essential features.
Think of a person driving a car. He does not need to know the internal working of the engine or the way gear changes work, to be able to drive the car (Encapsulation). Instead, he needs to know things such as how much turning the steering wheel needs, etc (Abstraction).
Consider the example from the programmer’s perspective who wants to allow the user to add items to a list. The user only needs to click a button to add an item (Abstraction). The mechanism of how the item is added to the list is not essential for him (Encapsulation).
By using encapsulation & abstraction, we reduce complexity by ignoring unimportant details and we maintain effectiveness by representing important ones.