Saturday, January 23, 2010

SSRS -- Part 1(Steps To Configure SQL Server Reporting Services (2005))

Steps To Configure SQL Server Reporting Services (2005)

1. First Click on Start up menu then select Programs->Microsoft Sql Server 2005->Configuration Tools->Reporting Services Configuration and click, you will get a following window.

2. Check the Machine Name and Instance Name. Machine Name should be the name of your machine (Computer) and Instance Name should be the name of installed Sql Server on your machine (MSSQLSERVER).Click on Connect button to connect with Sql Server Reporting services.

3. After that you will see the following window.

Check the Report Server Status Here. If the server is already started Start button will be disabled and if not Start button will be enabled. If it is enabled click on that to start Report Server.

4. Now you have to specify Report Server Virtual Directory and Report Manager Virtual Directory for Report Server. Click on Report Server Virtual Directory tab, following window will be opened.

The window will take the Default values for Name and Website. Click on New button to assign a new website Name (follow step 7 to cerate a new Website for Report Server) as Report Server Virtual Directory. You can also configure Reporting Services for SSL connections. To do so, simply check the Require Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connections checkbox and enter the appropriate values into the drop-down supplied.

5. Click on Report Manager Virtual Directory tab following window will be prompted.

The window will take the Default values for Name and Website. Click on New button to assign a new website Name as Report Manager Virtual Directory.

6. The Virtual Directory(Website) Name for Report Server And Report Manager Should be same. Check it carefully while specifying Virtual Directory name whether Report Server And Report Manager both are pointing to same Virtual Directory(Website) or not.

7. Before specifying Virtual Directory(Website) name to Report Server And Report Manager you should create a Website manually using IIS.

To do so start IIS Manager from the Run dialog box

A.1 On the Start menu, click Run.

A.2 In the Open box, type inetmgr and click OK.

Creating the Web Site

Now that IIS Manager is started, you are ready to create a virtual directory.

To create a Web Site by using IIS Manager

B.1. In IIS Manager, expand the local computer and Right-click the Web site , point to New, and then click Web Site.

B.2. In the Web Site Creation Wizard, click Next.

B.3. In the Description box, type a name for the Web Site and then click Next.

B.4.Provide the Port for the Website Say “8000” or you can give any port no. Default Port value is 80.

B.5. In the Path box, type or browse to the physical directory that contains the virtual directory, and then click Next. Note that you can select an existing folder or create a new one (say D:\NewFolder).

B.6. Select the check boxes for the access permissions that you want to assign to your users. By default, the Read and Run Scripts check boxes are selected; these permissions enable you to run ASP.NET pages for many common scenarios.

B.7. Click Next and then click Finish.

B.8.Now Right Clicks on the Web Site you just created and point to Properties and click. A property page will open. Click on Asp.Net tab and Select the Asp version from the drop down for your computer.

B.9.Now Click on Directory Security tab and Click on First Edit Button and Check only Enable Anonymous access .By Default it is checked. Enter User Name as “MachineName\Administrator” and Password as “Your Administrator password” for Anonymous access only to make the Report browse able by other users. Uncheck the other entire Authentication

8. Click on Windows Service Identity tab, following window will open.

In Service Account TextBox enter Local System. Click on Built-in-Account and select Local System from the Drop Down and click on Apply button.

9. Click on Web service Identity tab ,you will get following window

Specify the application pool for Report Server and Report Manager .By default it will take the default value. You can assign a new one by just clicking on New Button and creating a new application pool.

10. Now Click on Database Connection tab, you will see the following window

Click on Connect Button to connect with your server. Following window will be prompted.

Provide the Server name as Your Machine Name(Computer Name) and in Credentials Type Drop down select Sql Server authentication and enter your Sql server username and password.

Next Database name value is the default value you can create a new database. To create a new database click on New Button, following window will open.

Here Specify a Sql Server instance. Server Name should be your machine name and in Credentials type drop down select Sql server authentication and provide the Sql Server username and password and click on ok to complete the creation.

11. Click on Initialization tab to see initialize status of the Report Server. Check the checkbox to initialize.

12. Also you have to start Sql Server Agent. To do so click on Start up menu->Control panel->Administrative Tools->Services. A Services page will open. Right click on Sql Server Agent and click on Start from the popup menu to start the Agent.

13. Now the Sql Server Reporting Services Configuration is completed. To check whether the Reporting Services are running or not on your Computer (Server), open any browser and Type the URL http://localhost:8000/reports.

You will be redirected to a Sql Server Reporting Services Home page (http://localhost:8000/reports/Pages/Folder.aspx) that will make sure that your Report Server is running successfully. Here the port no (e.g. 8000) is your Website Port No that you have already created for you Report server.

To Deploy and Run the Report On Report server

14. Now to deploy and run your Created Sql Server Report on the Report Server you have to specify two things.

a. Open Your report in Design mode->Go to Project menu in the tool bar->Navigate to Report Project Properties and click. You will see a Report Project Properties page. Leave the TargetReportFolder as Default.

b. Change the TargetServerUrl of Report to http://localhost:8000/ReportServer.By Default it will take http://localhost/ReportSerevr.

15. Right Click on Report and Select Deploy from pop up menu to deploy the Report and hit Run to run the report on report Server. Now your are done with your Report creation.

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