Saturday, June 11, 2011

A simple Delegate Example in Silverlight

Create two user controls  ControlA and ControlB add these controls in MainPage

Add a button in ControlA and Add some textboxes in ControlB

Here is the Class A code

public partial class ControlA : UserControl

public ControlA()




private void btnDelegate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


if (this._RaiseDelegateInvokerEvent !=null)


this._RaiseDelegateInvokerEvent(this, new BindingEventArgs { Fname = "Chaitanya", Lname = "SVS", Designation = "Always Developer" });



public delegate void DelegateInvoker(object sender, BindingEventArgs e);

public event DelegateInvoker _RaiseDelegateInvokerEvent;


And here is the MainPage Code

public partial class MainPage : UserControl


public MainPage()



//CntrlA._RaiseDelegateInvokerEvent += new ChildControls.ControlA.DelegateInvoker(CntrlA__RaiseDelegateInvokerEvent);

void CntrlA__RaiseDelegateInvokerEvent(object sender, BindingEventArgs e)


CntrlB.LayoutRoot.DataContext = e;



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